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Concentration Areas


  • The Concentration Areas defy the broad domains of knowledge which our regular activities of teaching and research refer to throughout the Mechanical Engineering Program:

  • Current Concentration Areas

  • Acoustics, Vibrations and Dynamics
  • Fluids Mechanics
  • Solid Mechanics and Mechanical Integrity of Materials
  • Project, Manufacturing·and Robotics
  • Thermal Science and Thermal Engineering


  • Computing Simulation in Engineering


  • When it comes to each Concentration Areas, the classes are about:

  • basic content;

  • advanced content.

  • When it comes to Course levels, the classes are classified as:

  • level of Master;
  • level of Doctoral

Master's Seminary

  • As part of  the requirements to be a Master candidate, all students enrolled in the Mechanical Engineering Master Program must present a seminar. See specific regulamentation.

Final Paper

  • The Master’s Dissertation is the last requirement of the course to be fulfilled by its students in order to obtain the Mechanical Engineering master’s degree.

  • The Doctoral Thesis  is the last requirement of the course to be fulfilled by its students in order to obtain the Mechanical Engineering doctoral degree.

  • The theme of the final paper (dissertation or thesis) must be decided between the students and their professor-advisor.

Academic Orientation

  • Each student is accompanied by an academic advisor, that must be available to help them with any matters related to the course.


 PEM/COPPE/UFRJ Master’s Program is a stricto-sensu Graduate Program. Each student is intendent to pursue academic qualification and independence in research activities in one of the offered  Concentration Areas.


 Requirement: english proficiency.

 Subjects (360 hours - 8 subjects):

 · Mandatory Subject: 1 subject.

 · Conditioned Subjects: 3 subjects.

 · Free Choice Subjects: 4 subjects.

 Master’s Seminar:

 · Students must present a dissertation proposal when finishing the subjects periods.

 Development of Dissertation:

· Desirable to be concluded in 24 months

 Presentation of Dissertation

 · The Homologation of the Examining Board must be solicited 45 days prior to the date of the Defense of the Dissertation.

 · The Dissertation must be delivered to the Academic Registration Department 15 days prior to the date of Defense.


 · Mandatory Subjects:

 o COM 774 - Mathematical Methods

 Conditioned Subjects:

 o COM 710 - Fundamentals of Fluids Mechanics

 o COM 720 - Classical Thermodynamics

 o COM 721 - Heat Transfer by Conduction

 o COM 722 - Heat Transfer by Convection

 o COM 728 - Computational Heat Transfer

 o COM 732 - Mechanical Vibration of Discrete Systems

 o COM 733 - Mechanical Vibration of Continuous Systems

 o COM 740 - Elasticity

 o COM 747 - Classical Mechanics

 o COM 772 - Finite Elements

 o COM 795 - Numerical Analysis

 o COM 836 - Waves Propagation

 o COM 840 - Continuum Mechanics

 · Free Choice Subjects:

 The list of all subjects offered by PEM is available at Subjects.



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